Determining Your Employer’s Fault after a Workplace Accident or Injury – What You Need to Know

Accidents in the workplace occur almost every single day in the UK alone. These accidents could be caused by faulty equipment, incomplete training, the use of dangerous substances and products (such as gas and chemicals), and so on. If you have become a victim of a workplace accident, you may well be entitled to compensation – especially if the accident happened through no fault of your own and if you can establish this for a fact.

What you can expect

The first thing you need to know is that you should be able to prove that the accident or injury was caused through the negligence of your employer. You need to gather as much evidence as you can, which will, in turn, help your claim. Keep in mind, though, that every case is different, and some can take only months to settle, whilst some may take years. Most cases, however, are often settled outside the court, so it’s also good to keep this in mind.

Establishing your employer’s negligence – what your employer needs to provide

It is important to establish your employer’s negligence when it comes to your injury or accident. That being said, all business owners or employers have a duty and responsibility to protect their workers from injuries or accidents in the workplace. This would include making sure that their employees are provided with the right equipment, tools, and machinery in order to properly complete their tasks. The employer also needs to make sure that these tools, equipment, and machinery are kept in good condition.

Employers also have a duty to ensure that the workplace is safe for everyone (not only for their employees, but also for guests and clients as well). Furthermore, workers should be provided with the appropriate working stations as well as chairs, and the hallways, corridors, and floors of the working environment should be properly maintained and cleaned. Any type of hazard should be removed from these areas.

If your work requires you to lift objects which are heavy or work from a height, you are entitled to receive the proper training and use the proper equipment. Those who work with dangerous or harmful substances should also be provided with safety equipment and clothing, which includes safety gloves and boots, hard hats, dust masks, and jackets with special visibility.

What you should do

If you have suffered an accident or injury at work, you should inform your employer right away. Your accident should be record in the accident book of the company. Visit a physician or specialist and have them create a report and diagnosis (as well as prognosis) of your injury. Then, speak with a personal injury solicitor like the ones from so they can advise you on how best to move forward

Image attributed to Stuart Miles/